/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function gatherSyncData() { if (getStorage("syncstateversion") == null) { setStorage("syncstateversion", 0); } var data = { localStorage: {}, stateversion: getStorage("syncstateversion") == null ? 0 : getStorage("syncstateversion") }; var allitems = getAllStorage(); for (var i = 0; i < allitems.length; i++) { var key = allitems[i].key; var value = allitems[i].value; if (SETTINGS.synckeyblacklist.includes(key)) { continue; } data.localStorage[key] = value; } return data; } function syncDataToLocalStorage(data, stateversion) { for (var key in data.localStorage) { if (data.localStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)) { setStorage(key, data.localStorage[key], true); } } setStorage("syncstateversion", stateversion); } function resolveSync(remotedata, remotestateversion) { var localstateversion = getStorage("syncstateversion"); console.log("Resolving sync: remote state: " + remotestateversion, "local state: " + localstateversion); if (localstateversion == remotestateversion) { // Server and client both have same version console.log("Sync: server is same as client"); return true; } else if (Number(localstateversion) < Number(remotestateversion)) { // Server has newer version console.log("Sync: server is newer than client"); syncDataToLocalStorage(remotedata, remotestateversion); return true; } else { // We have the newer version console.log("Sync: client is newer than server."); return true; } return false; } function syncNow(callback) { var username = getStorage("username"); var password = getStorage("password"); if (username == null || password == null) { return false; } var data = gatherSyncData(); $.post(SETTINGS.syncapi, { username: username, password: password, data: JSON.stringify(data), stateversion: data.stateversion }, function (resp) { if (resp.status == "OK") { resolveSync(resp.data, resp.stateversion); setStorage("lastsync", Date.now() / 1000); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); } } }, "json"); return true; } function loadSettings() { applyColorTheme(); setAnimations(); if (platform_type == "cordova") { if (getStorage("wakelock") == "true") { window.powerManagement.acquire(function () { console.log("Info", 'Wakelock acquired'); }, function () { console.log("Warn", 'Failed to acquire wakelock'); }); } else { window.powerManagement.release(function () { console.log("Info", 'Wakelock released'); }, function () { console.log("Warn", 'Failed to release wakelock'); }); } // if (getStorage("runinbackground") == "true") { // cordova.plugins.foregroundService.start('PackageHelper', 'GPS active'); // } else { // cordova.plugins.foregroundService.stop(); // } } } syncNow(loadSettings); // Sync every two minutes setInterval(function () { syncNow(loadSettings); }, 1000 * 60 * 2);