/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ function addPackage(address, latitude, longitude) { packages.push({ "address": address, "coords": [ latitude, longitude ] }); localStorage.setItem("packages", JSON.stringify(packages)); playSound("ok"); app.toast.show({ text: 'Package Added!
' + address + "", position: "bottom", destroyOnClose: true, closeTimeout: 1000 * 3 }); if (map != null) { map.updatePackageLayer(packages); } } $("#addpackagebtn").click(function () { if ($("input[name=number]").val().trim() == "") { playSound("error"); app.toast.show({ text: "Please fill in a street number.", position: "bottom", destroyOnClose: true, closeTimeout: 1000 * 10 }); return; } if ($("input[name=street]").val().trim() == "") { playSound("error"); app.toast.show({ text: "Please fill in a street name.", position: "bottom", destroyOnClose: true, closeTimeout: 1000 * 10 }); return; } if ($("input[name=citystate]").val().trim() == "") { playSound("error"); app.toast.show({ text: "Please fill in a city and state.", position: "bottom", destroyOnClose: true, closeTimeout: 1000 * 10 }); return; } var address = ($("input[name=number]").val() + " " + $("input[name=street]").val()).toUpperCase(); $.getJSON(geocodeapi, { address: address + " " + $("input[name=citystate]").val().toUpperCase() }, function (resp) { if (resp.status == "OK") { if (resp.accuracy.ok) { addPackage(resp.address.street, resp.coords[0], resp.coords[1]); } else { playSound("error"); app.dialog.confirm( "The address \"" + address + "\" couldn't be reliably located. Add it anyways?", "Accuracy Warning", function (ok) { if (resp.address.street == "") { addPackage(address, resp.coords[0], resp.coords[1]); } else { addPackage(resp.address.street, resp.coords[0], resp.coords[1]); } } ); } } else { playSound("error"); app.dialog.alert(resp.message, "Error"); } }); });