{ "no messages": "No messages found.", "all caught up": "You're all caught up!", "home": "Home", "more": "More", "my tasks": "My Tasks", "message board": "Message Board", "messages": "Messages", "all users": "All Users", "delete message": "Delete Message", "delete task": "Delete Task", "send": "Send", "from user": "From {user}", "to user": "To {user}", "pending": "Pending", "started": "Started", "finished": "Finished", "paused": "Paused", "problem": "Problem", "assigned on": "Assigned: {date}", "due by": "Due by: {date}", "actions": "Actions", "start": "Start", "finish": "Finish", "pause": "Pause", "resume": "Continue", "no description": "No description.", "no assigned date": "No assigned date", "no due date": "No due date", "no tasks": "There aren't any tasks to show.", "new task": "New Task", "edit task": "Edit Task", "task manager": "Task Manager", "task title": "Task Title", "task description": "Task Description", "assigned to": "Assigned to", "nobody": "Nobody", "save task": "Save Task", "exit": "Exit", "use now tip": "Tip: You can type \"now\" to use the current date and time. Also try \"tomorrow\" or \"next friday\".", "assigned on 2": "Assigned on", "due by 2": "Due by", "task saved": "Task saved successfully.", "message": "Message", "send message": "Send message", "to": "To", "user not managed": "You are not a manager of the selected user, and cannot assign a task to them.", "task edit not allowed": "You are not allowed to edit that task.", "task delete not allowed": "You are not allowed to delete that task.", "task deleted": "Task deleted.", "finished on": "Finished on: {date}", "started on": "Started on: {date}", "add task": "Add Task", "edit": "Edit", "delete": "Delete" }