/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var options = { url: "action.php", ajaxSettings: { dataType: "json", method: "GET", data: { action: "autocomplete" } }, preparePostData: function (data) { data.q = $("#msgtobox").val(); return data; }, getValue: function (element) { return element.username; }, template: { type: "custom", method: function (value, item) { return item.name + " " + item.username + ""; } } }; $("#msgtobox").easyAutocomplete(options); function refreshMsgs() { $.get('lib/getmsgs.php', function (data) { $('#messagedispdiv').html(data); setupTooltips(); }); } setInterval(function () { refreshMsgs(); }, 10 * 1000); $(".msgdelform").on("submit", function () { var msgid = $(this).data("msgid"); $('#delmsgbtn' + msgid).prop('disabled', true); setTimeout(function () { refreshMsgs(); }, 100); }); $("#msgsendform").on("submit", function () { setTimeout(function () { $('#msgsendbox').val(''); $('#msgtobox').val(''); refreshMsgs(); }, 100); });