/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function userpasslogin(username, password) { $.post(accounthubapi, { key: apikey, username: username, password: password, action: "auth" }, function (resp) { if (resp.status == "OK") { $.post(accounthubapi, { key: apikey, username: username, action: "userinfo" }, function (resp) { if (resp.status == "OK") { setuser(resp.data.username); setname(resp.data.name); setuid(resp.data.uid); openScreen("home"); } else { showmsg(resp.msg, "danger"); } }, "json"); } else { showmsg(resp.msg, "danger"); } $(this).data("uid") }, "json"); } function codelogin(code) { $.post(accounthubapi, { key: apikey, code: code, action: "codelogin" }, function (resp) { if (resp.status == "OK") { setuser(resp.user.username); setname(resp.user.realname); setuid(resp.user.uid); openScreen("home"); } else { showmsg(resp.msg, "danger"); } }, "json"); } function doQuickLogin(username, name, uid, pin) { $('#pinmodal').modal('hide'); if (pin) { $('#pinmodal').data("username", username); $('#pinmodal').data("name", name); $('#pinmodal').data("uid", uid); $('#pinmodal').modal('show'); $('#pincode-box').val(""); } else { setuser(username); setname(name); setuid(uid); openScreen("home"); } } function loadQuickLogin() { if (!isNaN(group) && group != "") { $.post(accounthubapi, { key: apikey, gid: group, action: "getusersbygroup", get: "detail" }, function (resp) { if (resp.status == "OK") { var userhtml = ""; for (var user in resp.users) { var u = resp.users[user]; userhtml += '
\n' + '\n' + '
\n' + u["name"] + "\n" + '
\n'; } $("#userlist .row").html(userhtml); jdenticon.update(".identicon"); $(".quick-user").click(function () { doQuickLogin($(this).data("username"), $(this).data("name"), $(this).data("uid"), $(this).data("pin") == "1"); }); } else { $("#quickaccess_tab").tab("dispose"); $("#userpass_tab").tab("show"); } }, "json"); } else { $("#quickaccess_tab").tab("dispose"); $("#quickaccess_tab").css("display", "none"); $("#userpass_tab").tab("show"); } } $("#userpass_form").submit(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var user = $("#username").val(); var pass = $("#password").val(); if (user != "" && pass != "") { userpasslogin(user, pass); } }); $("#mobilecode_form").submit(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var code = $("#code").val(); if (code != "") { codelogin(code); } }); function tryPinModalLogin(pin) { $.post(accounthubapi, { key: apikey, pin: pin, uid: $('#pinmodal').data("uid"), action: "checkpin" }, function (resp) { if (resp.pinvalid === true || resp.nopinset === true) { doQuickLogin($('#pinmodal').data("username"), $('#pinmodal').data("name"), $('#pinmodal').data("uid"), false); } else if (resp.pinvalid === false) { showmsg("PIN incorrect.", "danger"); } else { showmsg(resp.msg, "danger"); } }, "json"); } $(document).ready(function () { var dials = $("#pinpad .digits"); var index; var number = $("#pincode-box"); dials.click(function () { index = dials.index(this); if (index === 9) { number.val(""); } else if (index === 10) { number.val(number.val() + "0"); } else if (index === 11) { tryPinModalLogin(number.val()); } else { number.val(number.val() + (index + 1)); } }); number.keypress(function (event) { // Handle pressing Enter key if (event.keyCode === 13) { tryPinModalLogin(number.val()); } }); loadQuickLogin(); }); $('#pinmodal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () { $('#pincode-box').trigger('focus'); })