You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
3.9 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
require_once __DIR__ . '/../required.php';
require_once __DIR__ . "/../lib/login.php";
if (!account_has_permission($_SESSION['username'], "SITEWRITER") && !account_has_permission($_SESSION['username'], "SITEWRITER_CONTACT")) {
if ($_GET['msg'] != "no_permission") {
header("Location: app.php?page=messages&msg=no_permission");
<table id="msgtable" class="table table-bordered table-hover table-sm">
<th data-priority="0"></th>
<th data-priority="1"><?php lang('actions'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="1"><i class="fas fa-user d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('name'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="2"><i class="fas fa-envelope d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('message'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="3"><i class="fas fa-at d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('email'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="4"><i class="fas fa-globe d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('site'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="5"><i class="fas fa-calendar d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('date'); ?></th>
$messages = $database->select('messages', ["[>]sites" => ["siteid"]], [
foreach ($messages as $m) {
$mailto = "mailto:"
. urlencode($m['name'])
. "<" . $m['email'] . ">"
. "?subject=" . rawurlencode(htmlspecialchars_decode($m['sitename'] . " contact form reply"))
. "&body="
. rawurlencode(
"\n\n----------\nOriginal message:\n"
. $m['message']
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"
href="<?php echo $mailto; ?>"
<i class="fas fa-reply"></i> <?php lang("reply"); ?>
class="btn btn-danger btn-sm deletemsgbtn"
data-message="<?php echo $m['mid']; ?>"
<i class="fas fa-trash"></i> <?php lang("delete"); ?>
<td><?php echo $m['name']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $m['message']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $m['email']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $m['sitename']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo date("M j Y, g:i A", strtotime($m['date'])); ?></td>
<th data-priority="0"></th>
<th data-priority="1"><?php lang('actions'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="1"><i class="fas fa-user d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('name'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="2"><i class="fas fa-envelope d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('message'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="3"><i class="fas fa-at d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('email'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="4"><i class="fas fa-globe d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('site'); ?></th>
<th data-priority="5"><i class="fas fa-calendar d-none d-md-inline"></i> <?php lang('date'); ?></th>