You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
4.0 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
define("STRINGS", [
"sign in" => "Sign In",
"username" => "Username",
"password" => "Password",
"continue" => "Continue",
"authcode" => "Authentication code",
"2fa prompt" => "Enter the six-digit code from your mobile authenticator app.",
"2fa incorrect" => "Authentication code incorrect.",
"login incorrect" => "Login incorrect.",
"login server unavailable" => "Login server unavailable. Try again later or contact technical support.",
"account locked" => "This account has been disabled. Contact technical support.",
"password expired" => "You must change your password before continuing.",
"account terminated" => "Account terminated. Access denied.",
"account state error" => "Your account state is not stable. Log out, restart your browser, and try again.",
"welcome user" => "Welcome, {user}!",
"sign out" => "Sign out",
"settings" => "Settings",
"options" => "Options",
"404 error" => "404 Error",
"page not found" => "Page not found.",
"invalid parameters" => "Invalid request parameters.",
"login server error" => "The login server returned an error: {arg}",
"login server user data error" => "The login server refused to provide account information. Try again or contact technical support.",
"captcha error" => "There was a problem with the CAPTCHA (robot test). Try again.",
"actions" => "Actions",
"home" => "Home",
"editor" => "Editor",
"sites" => "Sites",
"theme" => "Theme",
"name" => "Name",
"new site" => "New Site",
"site name" => "Site Name",
"url" => "URL",
"adding site" => "Creating site {site}",
"editing site" => "Editing {site}",
"theme type" => "Theme type",
"single page" => "Single page",
"multiple page" => "Multiple page",
"templates" => "Templates",
"template" => "Template",
"color styles" => "Color styles",
"save" => "Save",
"edit" => "Edit",
"view" => "View",
"preview" => "Preview",
"cancel" => "Cancel",
"save needed" => "Press Save to see recent changes.",
"saved" => "Saved",
"icon" => "Icon",
"link" => "Link",
"text" => "Text",
"select page or enter url" => "Select a page or enter URL",
"edit component" => "Edit component",
"default" => "Default",
"page added" => "Page added.",
"chosen page id slug already taken" => "Chosen page ID (slug) already taken. Choose another.",
"template missing" => "Template missing from theme.",
"new page" => "New Page",
"title" => "Title",
"page id" => "Page ID (slug)",
"add page" => "Add page",
"page settings" => "Page Settings",
"analytics" => "Analytics",
"today" => "Today",
"this week" => "This Week",
"visit" => "visit",
"visits" => "visits",
"page view" => "page view",
"page views" => "page views",
"site" => "Site",
"filter by site" => "Filter by site",
"all sites" => "All Sites",
"filter" => "Filter",
"start date" => "Start date",
"end date" => "End date",
"recent actions" => "Recent Actions",
"overview" => "Overview",
"views per visit" => "views per visit",
"visits over time" => "Visits Over Time",
"no data" => "No data.",
"visitor map" => "Visitor Map",
"enable built-in analytics" => "Enable built-in analytics",
"disable built-in analytics" => "Disable built-in analytics",
"extra code" => "Extra code (inserted in site head)",
"company info" => "Company Info",
"phone" => "Phone",
"address" => "Address",
"email" => "Email",
"social links" => "Social Links",
"site info" => "Site Info",
"loading" => "Loading...",
"current" => "Current",
"messages" => "Messages",
"message" => "Message",
"date" => "Date",
"message deleted" => "Message deleted.",