You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

104 lines
4.8 KiB

<?php include __DIR__ . "/inc/"; ?>
<div class="is-loading">
<!-- Wrapper -->
<div id="wrapper" class="fade-in">
<!-- Intro -->
<div id="intro">
<h1 class="sw-text" data-component="banner-title"><?php get_component("banner-title"); ?></h1>
<p class="sw-text" data-component="lead"><?php get_component("lead"); ?></p>
<ul class="actions">
<li><a href="#header" class="button icon solo fas fa-arrow-down scrolly">Continue</a></li>
<?php include __DIR__ . "/inc/"; ?>
<!-- Main -->
<div id="main">
<!-- Featured Post -->
<article class="post featured">
<header class="major">
<h2 class="sw-text" data-component="featured-header"><?php get_component("featured-header"); ?></h2>
<p class="sw-text" data-component="featured-text"><?php get_component("featured-text"); ?></p>
if (!is_complex_empty("featured-image")) {
$image = get_complex_component("featured-image", null, ['image', 'link']);
$css = "";
if (empty($image['image'])) {
$css = "height: 100px;";
<a href="<?php get_url_or_slug($image['link']); ?>" class="image main sw-complex" data-json="<?php get_escaped_json($image); ?>" data-component="featured-image">
<img src="<?php get_file_url($image['image']); ?> " alt="" style="<?php echo $css; ?>" />
$btn = get_complex_component("featured-btn", null, ['icon', 'link', 'text']);
if (!is_complex_empty("featured-btn")) {
<ul class="actions">
<a href="<?php get_url_or_slug($btn['link']); ?>" class="button big sw-complex" data-json="<?php get_escaped_json($btn); ?>" data-component="featured-btn">
<i class="<?php echo $btn['icon']; ?>"></i> <?php echo $btn['text']; ?>
<!-- Posts -->
<section class="posts">
for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
if (is_complex_empty("article-$i") && is_component_empty("article-header-$i") && is_component_empty("article-text-$i")) {
$article = get_complex_component("article-$i", null, ['icon', 'image', 'text', 'link']);
<a href="<?php get_url_or_slug($article['link']); ?>" class="sw-text" data-component="<?php echo "article-header-$i"; ?>">
<?php get_component("article-header-$i") ?>
<a href="<?php get_url_or_slug($article['link']); ?>" class="image fit"><img src="<?php get_file_url($article['image']); ?>" alt="" /></a>
<span class="sw-complex" data-json="<?php get_escaped_json($article); ?>" data-component="<?php echo "article-$i"; ?>"></span>
<div class="sw-editable" data-component="article-text-<?php echo $i; ?>">
<?php get_component("article-text-$i"); ?>
if (!empty($article['text'])) {
<ul class="actions">
<a href="<?php get_url_or_slug($article['link']); ?>" class="button">
<i class="<?php echo $article['icon']; ?>"></i> <?php echo $article['text']; ?>
<?php include __DIR__ . "/inc/"; ?>
<?php include __DIR__ . "/inc/"; ?>