Skylar Ittner 6 years ago
parent 37075cb413
commit 29c444e5b3

@ -3,8 +3,37 @@ QwikClock
QwikClock is an employee time tracking app.
There are two applications with the name QwikClock. This one integrates with
the Business Apps, the other one (QwikClock Enterprise) has a lot more features
and is a standalone system.
the Business Apps, the other one (QwikClock Enterprise) is a standalone system.
Eventually, this application will have all the features of QwikClock Enterprise,
and Enterprise will be discontinued.
**Shift Assignment**
Ensure 100% shift coverage and prevent early clock-ins by assigning shifts to employees.
**Powerful Reports**
Generate reports in as little as three clicks. Filter by employee and date range so you only see what you need. Import into LibreOffice, Excel, and most other software.
**Server Time**
QwikClock synchronizes to the server's clock so your punches are always accurate.
Employees can clock in and out from a remote job site with their phones, or check their work schedule from home.
**Warning: Under heavy development. Don't use yet.**
0. Follow the installation directions for [AccountHub](https://source.netsyms.com/Business/AccountHub), then download this app somewhere.
1. Copy `settings.template.php` to `settings.php`
2. Import `database.sql` into your database server
3. Edit `settings.php` and fill in your DB info
4. Set the location of the AccountHub API in `settings.php` (see "PORTAL_API") and enter an API key ("PORTAL_KEY")
5. Set the location of the AccountHub home page ("PORTAL_URL")
6. Set the URL of this app ("URL")
7. Run `composer install` (or `composer.phar install`) to install dependency libraries.