Business App Template ===================== This is an empty (but fully functional) PHP application. It is designed to integrate with AccountHub, an account management web interface. AccountHub manages user credentials and account data, and is accessed by this app via [a simple API]( [![Codacy Badge](]( Program Structure ----------------- ### Folders * langs Translations and alert messages. The language files that are loaded depends on the value of `LANGUAGE` in `settings.php`. All .json files in a language folder are parsed and loaded into the dictionary (use via `$Strings->get('some key')`). * lib A good place to put helper functions that you don't want "in the way". All files that end with `.lib.php` are automatically loaded. * pages What it looks like. If you go into `pages.php` and define a page with the name `foo`, there should be a `foo.php` in here. The app checks before loading, so it will give a friendly 404 error if it doesn't find your page. Woe to you if you delete `home.php` or `404.php`, as those are assumed to exist for fallback behavior. * static CSS, JS, fonts, images... * vendor If you don't know what this is about, or you don't have it, you need to read up on Composer. Right now. ### Files * settings.template.php App configuration. Copy to `settings.php` and customize. Documented with inline comments. * app.php Handles the web part of the app. If you have problems with too many items on the navbar, change `$navbar_breakpoint`. To change the navbar colors, find and edit `