"Sign In", "username" => "Username", "password" => "Password", "continue" => "Continue", "authcode" => "Authentication code", "2fa prompt" => "Enter the six-digit code from your mobile authenticator app.", "2fa incorrect" => "Authentication code incorrect.", "login incorrect" => "Login incorrect.", "login server unavailable" => "Login server unavailable. Try again later or contact technical support.", "account locked" => "This account has been disabled. Contact technical support.", "password expired" => "You must change your password before continuing.", "account terminated" => "Account terminated. Access denied.", "account state error" => "Your account state is not stable. Log out, restart your browser, and try again.", "welcome user" => "Welcome, {user}!", "sign out" => "Sign out", "settings" => "Settings", "options" => "Options", "404 error" => "404 Error", "page not found" => "Page not found.", "invalid parameters" => "Invalid request parameters.", "login server error" => "The login server returned an error: {arg}", "login server user data error" => "The login server refused to provide account information. Try again or contact technical support.", "captcha error" => "There was a problem with the CAPTCHA (robot test). Try again.", "home" => "Home", "point of sale" => "Point of Sale", "barcode" => "Barcode", "barcode or search" => "Barcode or Search", "cash" => "Cash", "check" => "Check", "card" => "Card", "crypto" => "Crypto", "gift card" => "Gift Card", "free" => "Free", "paid" => "Paid", "owed" => "Owed", "change" => "Change", "enter payment" => "Enter Payment", "receipt" => "Receipt", "close" => "Close", "print" => "Print", "customer" => "Customer", "customer search" => "Search customers", "new sale" => "New Sale", "customers" => "Customers", "actions" => "Actions", "name" => "Name", "phone" => "Phone", "email" => "Email", "address" => "Address", "notes" => "Notes", "edit" => "Edit", "new customer" => "New Customer", "adding customer" => "Adding Customer", "editing customer" => "Editing {name}", "save" => "Save", "customer saved" => "Customer saved.", "invalid customer id" => "Invalid customer ID", "customer pricing" => "Customer Pricing", "item" => "Item", "cost" => "Cost", "normal price" => "Normal Price", "customer price" => "Customer Price", "add price" => "Add Price", "add customer price" => "Add Customer Price", "delete" => "Delete", "cancel" => "Cancel", "price" => "Price", "finish" => "Finish", "registers" => "Registers", "add register" => "Add Register", "balance" => "Balance", "opened" => "Opened", "closed" => "Closed", "never" => "Never", "last opened" => "Last Opened", "still open" => "Still Open", "open" => "Open", "no cash" => "No cash", "choose register" => "Choose a cash register", "cash not open" => "Cash not open. Go to Registers to open it.", "cash opened" => "Cash opened.", "cash closed" => "Cash closed.", "register set" => "Register set.", "change register" => "Change register", ]);