"Sign In", "username" => "Username", "password" => "Password", "continue" => "Continue", "authcode" => "Authentication code", "2fa prompt" => "Enter the six-digit code from your mobile authenticator app.", "2fa incorrect" => "Authentication code incorrect.", "login incorrect" => "Login incorrect.", "no admin permission" => "You do not have permission to access this system.", "login server unavailable" => "Login server unavailable. Try again later or contact technical support.", "account locked" => "This account has been disabled. Contact technical support.", "password expired" => "You must change your password before continuing.", "account terminated" => "Account terminated. Access denied.", "account state error" => "Your account state is not stable. Log out, restart your browser, and try again.", "welcome user" => "Welcome, {user}!", "sign out" => "Sign out", "settings" => "Settings", "options" => "Options", "404 error" => "404 Error", "page not found" => "Page not found.", "invalid parameters" => "Invalid request parameters.", "login server error" => "The login server returned an error: {arg}", "login server user data error" => "The login server refused to provide account information. Try again or contact technical support.", "captcha error" => "There was a problem with the CAPTCHA (robot test). Try again.", "home" => "Home", "users" => "Users", "actions" => "Actions", "name" => "Name", "email" => "Email", "status" => "Status", "type" => "Type", "new user" => "New User", "total users" => "Total Users", "view users" => "View Users", "normal accounts" => "Normal Accounts", "locked accounts" => "Locked Accounts", "editing user" => "Editing {user}", "invalid userid" => "Invalid user ID.", "user saved" => "User saved.", "adding user" => "Adding new user", "placeholder name" => "John Doe", "placeholder username" => "jdoe", "placeholder email address" => "jdoe@example.com", "placeholder password" => "swordfish", "new password" => "New Password", "non-local account warning" => "This account is not locally managed. Changes made here will not synchronize to the directory server and some attributes cannot be edited.", "delete user" => "Delete User", "really delete user" => "Are you sure you want to delete this user? This action cannot be reversed.", "user deleted" => "User account deleted.", "user does not exist" => "User does not exist.", "logtime" => "Date/Time", "logtype" => "Event Type", "ip address" => "IP Address", "other data" => "Other", "security log" => "Security Log", "event type reference" => "Event Type Reference", "clear log" => "Clear Log", "really clear log" => "Are you sure you want to purge the security log? This action cannot be reversed.", "log cleared" => "Security log cleared.", "removed n entries" => "Removed {n} entries", "security log entries" => "Security Log Entries", "view security log" => "View Security Log", "managers" => "Managers", "manager" => "Manager", "employee" => "Employee", "delete relationship" => "Delete Relationship", "really delete relationship" => "Are you sure you want to remove this manager-employee relationship? This action cannot be reversed.", "relationship deleted" => "Relationship deleted.", "edit relationship" => "Edit Relationship", "adding relationship" => "Adding Relationship", "relationship added" => "Relationship added.", "permissions" => "Permissions", "permission" => "Permission", "new permission" => "New Permission", "delete permission" => "Delete Permission", "adding permission" => "Adding Permission", "user" => "User", "permission does not exist" => "Permission does not exist: {arg}", "really delete permission" => "Are you sure you want to revoke this permission?", "permission added" => "Permission assigned.", "permission deleted" => "Permission deleted.", "remove 2fa" => "Reset 2FA", "action performed by" => "Action performed by {user}", "2fa removed" => "2-factor authentication removed.", "2fa" => "2FA", "show deleted" => "Show deleted", "editing deleted account" => "You are editing an account marked as deleted. The account will be undeleted if you press Save.", "manager assigned" => "Manager relationships saved.", "manager does not exist" => "The selected manager username does not exist.", "type to add a person" => "Type to add a person", "employees" => "Employees", "type to select a manager" => "Type to select a manager", "select a manager to view or edit employees" => "Select a manager to view or edit the assigned employees.", "report export" => "Reports/Export", "report type" => "Report type", "format" => "Format", "generate report" => "Generate report", "choose an option" => "Choose an option", "csv file" => "CSV text file", "ods file" => "ODS spreadsheet", "html file" => "HTML web page", "uid" => "User ID", "manager name" => "Manager", "manager username" => "Mgr. Username", "employee name" => "Employee", "employee username" => "Emp. Username", "permission id" => "Perm. ID", "permissions assigned" => "Permissions assigned.", "type to select a user" => "Type to select a user", "type to add a permission" => "Type to add a permission", "select a user to view or edit permissions" => "Select a user to view or edit the assigned permissions." ]);