exists()) { return Login::BAD_USERPASS; } if (!$user->checkPassword($password)) { return Login::BAD_USERPASS; } if ($user->has2fa()) { if (!$user->check2fa($twofa)) { return Login::BAD_2FA; } } switch ($user->getStatus()->get()) { case AccountStatus::TERMINATED: return Login::BAD_USERPASS; case AccountStatus::LOCKED_OR_DISABLED: return Login::ACCOUNT_DISABLED; case AccountStatus::NORMAL: default: return Login::LOGIN_OK; } return Login::LOGIN_OK; } /** * Check the login server API for sanity * @return boolean true if OK, else false */ public static function checkLoginServer() { try { $resp = AccountHubApi::get("ping"); if ($resp['status'] == "OK") { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Checks if the given AccountHub API key is valid by attempting to * access the API with it. * @param String $key The API key to check * @return boolean TRUE if the key is valid, FALSE if invalid or something went wrong */ function checkAPIKey($key) { try { $resp = AccountHubApi::get("ping", null, true); return false; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } }