col-12 col-md-8col-12">

get("Machine Info"); ?>

No machine with ID could be found.

Enter a Netsyms machine ID number or serial number.

get("Machine Info"); ?>

get("ID"); ?>: getID()); ?>
getOS())) { ?>
get("OS/Software"); ?>: getOS()); ?>
getSerial())) { ?>
get("Serial"); ?>: getSerial()); ?>
getManufacturer())) { ?>
get("Manufacturer"); ?>: getManufacturer()); ?>
getModel())) { ?>
get("Model"); ?>: getModel()); ?>
getCondition() > 0) { ?>
get("Condition"); ?>: getCondition(); $filled = floor($val); $empty = 10; while ($filled > 0) { $filled--; $empty--; echo " "; } if ($val - floor($val) > 0.75) { $empty--; echo " "; } else if ($val - floor($val) > 0.25) { $empty--; echo " "; } while ($empty > 0) { $empty--; echo " "; } echo " ($val/10)"; ?>
getPrice() > 0) { ?>
get("Price"); ?>: $getPrice(), 2); ?>
getPublicNotes())) { ?>
get("Notes"); ?>: getPublicNotes()); ?>
getComponents(); if (count($components) > 0) { ?>
getTypeName(); ?>
getModel())) { ?> get("Model"); ?>: getModel()); ?>
getCapacity())) { ?> get("Capacity"); ?>: getCapacity()); ?>
getSerial())) { ?> get("Serial"); ?>: getSerial()); ?>
getTestedDate())) { ?> get("Tested On"); ?>: getTestedDate())); ?>
getPrice())) { ?> get("Price"); ?>: $getPrice(), 2); ?> getPublicNotes())) { ?>
getPublicNotes()); ?>
getEvents(); if (count($history) > 0) { ?>
\n"; echo "$h[eventname] on " . date($SETTINGS["datetime_format"], strtotime($h['date'])) . "
\n"; if (!empty($h['publicnotes'])) { echo "
" . htmlspecialchars($h['publicnotes']) . "
"; } echo "\n
\n"; } ?>

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