Add label PDF generation API

Skylar Ittner 4 years ago
parent edc406af2f
commit 6ceb940517

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* Copyright 2020 Netsyms Technologies.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
if ($VARS["action"] == "listlabels") {
$templates = DeviceLabelPrinter::getLabelTemplates();
sendJsonResp("", "OK", ["labels" => $templates]);
if (Machine::exists($VARS["id"])) {
$machine = new Machine($VARS['id']);
} else if (Machine::serialExists($VARS["id"])) {
$machine = new Machine(Machine::getIDFromSerial($VARS['id']));
} else {
sendJsonResp("Requested ID does not exist.", "ERROR");
$templates = DeviceLabelPrinter::getLabelTemplates();
$labeltype = array_keys($templates)[0];
if (array_key_exists($VARS["type"], $templates)) {
$labeltype = $VARS["type"];
$printer = new DeviceLabelPrinter($labeltype, $machine);

@ -18,6 +18,17 @@ $APIS = [
"id" => "/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/"
"getlabel" => [
"load" => "label.php",
"vars" => [
"id" => "/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/",
"type" => "string"
"listlabels" => [
"load" => "label.php",
"vars" => []
"editmachine" => [
"load" => "machine.php",
"vars" => [

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
* Copyright 2020 Netsyms Technologies.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
class DeviceLabelPrinter {
private $labeltype = "";
private $mergedata = [];
private $machine = null;
public function __construct(string $labeltype, Machine $machine) {
$this->labeltype = $labeltype;
if (!file_exists($this->getLabelPath())) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Label " . $this->getLabelPath() . " does not exist.");
$this->machine = $machine;
public static function getLabelTemplates(): array {
global $SETTINGS;
return $SETTINGS["labels"]["templates"];
public function getLabelPath(): string {
return __DIR__ . "/../print/templates/$this->labeltype.glabels";
public function servePDF() {
$label = new Label($this->getLabelPath(), "$this->labeltype (ID " . $this->mergedata['id'] . ")");
public static function formatPhoneNumber($phoneNumber) {
$phoneNumber = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $phoneNumber);
if (strlen($phoneNumber) > 10) {
$countryCode = substr($phoneNumber, 0, strlen($phoneNumber) - 10);
$areaCode = substr($phoneNumber, -10, 3);
$nextThree = substr($phoneNumber, -7, 3);
$lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, -4, 4);
$phoneNumber = '+' . $countryCode . ' (' . $areaCode . ') ' . $nextThree . '-' . $lastFour;
} else if (strlen($phoneNumber) == 10) {
$areaCode = substr($phoneNumber, 0, 3);
$nextThree = substr($phoneNumber, 3, 3);
$lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, 6, 4);
$phoneNumber = '(' . $areaCode . ') ' . $nextThree . '-' . $lastFour;
} else if (strlen($phoneNumber) == 7) {
$nextThree = substr($phoneNumber, 0, 3);
$lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, 3, 4);
$phoneNumber = $nextThree . '-' . $lastFour;
return $phoneNumber;
private function buildMergeData() {
global $SETTINGS;
$this->mergedata = [
"id" => $this->machine->getID(),
"price" => number_format($this->machine->getPrice(), 2),
"devicetype" => $this->machine->getTypeLabel(),
"devicetype_lowercase" => strtolower($this->machine->getTypeLabel()),
"serial" => $this->machine->getSerial(),
"model" => $this->machine->getModel(),
"os" => $this->machine->getOS(),
"manufacturer" => $this->machine->getManufacturer(),
"publicnotes" => $this->machine->getPublicNotes(),
"privatenotes" => $this->machine->getPrivateNotes(),
"date" => date($SETTINGS["date_format"]),
"date_time" => date($SETTINGS["datetime_format"]),
"clientid" => "",
"clientname" => "",
"clientphone" => "",
"clientphoneformatted" => "",
"clientemail" => "",
"clientbillingaddress" => "",
"clientshippingaddress" => "",
"clientpublicnotes" => "",
"clientprivatenotes" => ""
foreach ($SETTINGS["labels"]["fields"] as $id => $val) {
$this->mergedata[$id] = str_replace("{{id}}", $this->machine->getID(), $val);
if (!empty($this->machine->getClientID())) {
$client = Clients::getClient($this->machine->getClientID());
$this->mergedata["clientid"] = $client->getID();
$this->mergedata["clientname"] = $client->getName();
$this->mergedata["clientphone"] = $client->getPhone();
$this->mergedata["clientphoneformatted"] = $this->formatPhoneNumber($client->getPhone());
$this->mergedata["clientemail"] = $client->getEmail();
$this->mergedata["clientbillingaddress"] = $client->getBillingAddress();
$this->mergedata["clientshippingaddress"] = $client->getMailingAddress();
$this->mergedata["clientpublicnotes"] = $client->getPublicNotes();
$this->mergedata["clientprivatenotes"] = $client->getPrivateNotes();

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* Copyright 2020 Netsyms Technologies.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
class Label {
private $fields = [];
private $labelpath = "";
private $title = "label";
* @param string $labelpath Path to the glabels 3 label template.
public function __construct(string $labelpath, string $labeltitle = "label") {
if (file_exists($labelpath)) {
$this->labelpath = $labelpath;
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Label $labelpath does not exist.");
$this->title = $labeltitle;
* Set the value of a mail merge field.
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
public function setField(string $name, string $value) {
$this->fields[$name] = $value;
* Set multiple mail merge fields at once.
* @param array $fields key => value string array
public function setFields(array $fields) {
foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
$this->fields[$name] = $value;
public function setTitle(string $title) {
$this->title = $title;
private function writeCSVFileAndReturnFilePath(): string {
$csvfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "GLABELS_MERGE_CSV");
$fp = fopen($csvfile, 'w');
fputcsv($fp, array_keys($this->fields));
fputcsv($fp, array_values($this->fields));
return $csvfile;
private function toPDFFilePath() {
$csvfile = $this->writeCSVFileAndReturnFilePath();
$pdffile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "GLABELS_MERGE_PDF");
shell_exec("glabels-3-batch --input=$csvfile --output=$pdffile " . $this->labelpath);
return $pdffile;
public function servePDF() {
$pdfpath = $this->toPDFFilePath();
$pdfsize = filesize($pdfpath);
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header("Content-Length: $pdfsize");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"$this->title\"");
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
echo file_get_contents($pdfpath);

@ -24,99 +24,16 @@ if (!Machine::exists($machineid)) {
exit("No such machine.");
$labeltype = array_keys($SETTINGS["labels"]["templates"])[0];
$templates = DeviceLabelPrinter::getLabelTemplates();
if (array_key_exists($VARS["labeltype"], $SETTINGS["labels"]["templates"])) {
$labeltype = array_keys($templates)[0];
if (array_key_exists($VARS["labeltype"], $templates)) {
$labeltype = $VARS["labeltype"];
$machine = new Machine($machineid);
$mergedata = [
"id" => $machine->getID(),
"price" => number_format($machine->getPrice(), 2),
"devicetype" => $machine->getTypeLabel(),
"devicetype_lowercase" => strtolower($machine->getTypeLabel()),
"serial" => $machine->getSerial(),
"model" => $machine->getModel(),
"os" => $machine->getOS(),
"manufacturer" => $machine->getManufacturer(),
"publicnotes" => $machine->getPublicNotes(),
"privatenotes" => $machine->getPrivateNotes(),
"clientid" => "",
"clientname" => "",
"clientphone" => "",
"clientphoneformatted" => "",
"clientemail" => "",
"clientbillingaddress" => "",
"clientshippingaddress" => "",
"clientpublicnotes" => "",
"clientprivatenotes" => ""
foreach ($SETTINGS["labels"]["fields"] as $id => $val) {
$mergedata[$id] = str_replace("{{id}}", $machine->getID(), $val);
function formatPhoneNumber($phoneNumber) {
$phoneNumber = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $phoneNumber);
if (strlen($phoneNumber) > 10) {
$countryCode = substr($phoneNumber, 0, strlen($phoneNumber) - 10);
$areaCode = substr($phoneNumber, -10, 3);
$nextThree = substr($phoneNumber, -7, 3);
$lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, -4, 4);
$phoneNumber = '+' . $countryCode . ' (' . $areaCode . ') ' . $nextThree . '-' . $lastFour;
} else if (strlen($phoneNumber) == 10) {
$areaCode = substr($phoneNumber, 0, 3);
$nextThree = substr($phoneNumber, 3, 3);
$lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, 6, 4);
$phoneNumber = '(' . $areaCode . ') ' . $nextThree . '-' . $lastFour;
} else if (strlen($phoneNumber) == 7) {
$nextThree = substr($phoneNumber, 0, 3);
$lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, 3, 4);
$phoneNumber = $nextThree . '-' . $lastFour;
return $phoneNumber;
if (!empty($machine->getClientID())) {
$client = Clients::getClient($machine->getClientID());
$mergedata["clientid"] = $client->getID();
$mergedata["clientname"] = $client->getName();
$mergedata["clientphone"] = $client->getPhone();
$mergedata["clientphoneformatted"] = formatPhoneNumber($client->getPhone());
$mergedata["clientemail"] = $client->getEmail();
$mergedata["clientbillingaddress"] = $client->getBillingAddress();
$mergedata["clientshippingaddress"] = $client->getMailingAddress();
$mergedata["clientpublicnotes"] = $client->getPublicNotes();
$mergedata["clientprivatenotes"] = $client->getPrivateNotes();
$csvfile = tempnam("/tmp", "MCHMGR_CSV");
$fp = fopen($csvfile, 'w');
fputcsv($fp, array_keys($mergedata));
fputcsv($fp, array_values($mergedata));
$pdffile = tempnam("/tmp", "MCHMGR_PDF");
shell_exec("glabels-3-batch --input=$csvfile --output=$pdffile " . __DIR__ . "/templates/$labeltype.glabels");
header('Content-type: application/pdf');
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"$labeltype (ID $mergedata[id])\"");
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
echo file_get_contents($pdffile);
$printer = new DeviceLabelPrinter($labeltype, $machine);