has('userkeys', ['key' => $_GET['key']])) { http_response_code(403); die("403 Forbidden: provide valid key"); } $uid = $database->get('userkeys', 'uid', ['key' => $_GET['key']]); $user = new User($uid); switch ($user->getStatus()->get()) { case AccountStatus::NORMAL: case AccountStatus::CHANGE_PASSWORD: case AccountStatus::ALERT_ON_ACCESS: break; default: http_response_code(403); die("403 Forbidden: user account not active"); } $notifications = Notifications::get($user); switch ($_GET['type']) { case "rss1": $feed = new RSS1(); break; case "rss": case "rss2": $feed = new RSS2(); break; case "atom": $feed = new ATOM(); break; default: http_response_code(400); die("400 Bad Request: feed parameter must have a value of \"rss\", \"rss1\", \"rss2\" or \"atom\"."); } $feed->setTitle($Strings->build("Notifications from server for user", ['server' => SITE_TITLE, 'user' => $user->getName()], false)); if (strpos(URL, "http") === 0) { $url = URL; } else { $url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http") . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) ? ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : "") . URL; } $feed->setLink($url); foreach ($notifications as $n) { $item = $feed->createNewItem(); $item->setTitle($n['title']); if (empty($n['url'])) { $item->setLink($url); } else { $item->setLink($n['url']); } $item->setDate(strtotime($n['timestamp'])); if ($n['sensitive']) { $content = $Strings->get("Sensitive content hidden", false); } else { $content = $n['content']; } if ($_GET['type'] == "atom") { $item->setContent($content); } else { $item->setDescription($content); } $feed->addItem($item); } $feed->printFeed();