Add ToS agree checkbox

Skylar Ittner 5 jaren geleden
bovenliggende 0fd1aa2b54
commit 5f7d45e812

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ $SETTINGS = [
"mobile_enabled" => true,
// Allow users to signup for new accounts
"signups_enabled" => false,
// Terms of Service URL for user signup
"tos_url" => "",
// For supported values, see
"timezone" => "America/Denver",
// List of external apps connected to this system.

@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ function showHTML($errormsg = null, $genform = true, $noformcontent = "", $title
$form->addInput("email", "", "email", false, null, null, "Email", "fas fa-envelope", 6, 5, 255, "", $Strings->get("That email address doesn't look right.", false));
$form->addInput("name", "", "text", true, null, null, "Name", "fas fa-user", 6, 2, 200, "", $Strings->get("Enter your name.", false));
if (!empty($SETTINGS['tos_url'])) {
$form->addInput("agree_tos", "1", "checkbox", true, null, null, "I agree to the <a href=\"$SETTINGS[tos_url]\" target=\"_BLANK\">terms of service</a>");
$form->addHiddenInput("submit", "1");
$form->addButton($Strings->get("Create Account", false), "fas fa-user-plus", null, "submit", "savebtn");
@ -134,7 +138,7 @@ if (strlen($_POST['password']) < $SETTINGS['min_password_length']) {
showHTML($Strings->build("Your password must be at least {n} characters long.", ["n" => $SETTINGS[min_password_length]], false));
require_once __DIR__ . "/../lib/worst_passwords.php";
$passrank = checkWorst500List($new);
$passrank = checkWorst500List($_POST['password']);
if ($passrank !== FALSE) {
showHTML($Strings->get("That password is one of the most popular and insecure ever, make a better one.", false));
