Skylar Ittner il y a 6 ans
révision e11c77026f

.gitignore vendored

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# Netsyms Business Accelerator
The Business Accelerator is a physical network device for installation at a small business. It helps combine the speed and offline benefits of local services with the reliability, availability, and ease of managed cloud services.
## About
The Business Accelerator is based on the Raspberry Pi 3 B+, running an image based on Raspbian Stretch Lite. This repository contains notable modifications to the base image.
Modifications include:
- Using [CJDNS]( to bypass NAT for secure cloud sync and remote tech support
- Installing NGINX, PHP 7.0, and SQLite 3 for serving content

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Cloud Web Content
This folder contains files for running on the Business Apps cloud server.

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Configuration Files
This folder contains Debian configuration files with notable changes from common defaults.

@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
// Private key:
// Your confidentiality and data integrity depend on this key, keep it secret!
"privateKey": "<<<REDACTED>>>",
// This key corresponds to the public key and ipv6 address:
"publicKey": "<<<REDACTED>>>",
"ipv6": "<<<REDACTED>>>",
{"password": "<<<REDACTED>>>", "user": "default-login"}
"bind": "",
"password": "NONE"
// Interfaces to connect to the switch core.
// The interface which connects over UDP/IP based VPN tunnel.
// Bind to this port.
"bind": "",
// Set the DSCP value for Qos. Default is 0.
// "dscp": 46,
// Nodes to connect to (IPv4 only).
"": {
"password": "6mDHySCSJYVgyJqphpgnokqKrCq045mF",
"publicKey": "9qz459vnkb1v36ypq84m29g2q7dn8gndg9bh0w1499urnkx9nmt0.k",
"peerName": "",
"Contact": ""
"": {
"login": "public",
"peerName":"Don't Sell.Me"
"": {
"contact": "",
"location": "Europe/Amsterdam",
"login": "public-peer",
"password": "9md1m1sntffbrkq1brb85rw312fr5gb",
"peerName": "",
"publicKey": "g34d0nbyltxj3sqnc0t5gps32ks4tyl3m9w9qzpk832f9dmp6fh0.k"
"location":"Chicago, IL, USA",
"location":"digitalocean nyc2",
"location":"ovh beauharnois",
"location":"Digital Ocean tor1",
// Bind to this port.
"bind": "[::]:2085",
// Set the DSCP value for Qos. Default is 0.
// "dscp": 46,
// Nodes to connect to (IPv6 only).
"location":"digitalocean nyc2",
// Alternatively bind to just one device and either beacon and/or
// connect to a specified MAC address
// Bind to this device (interface name, not MAC)
// "all" is a pseudo-name which will try to connect to all devices.
"bind": "all",
// Auto-connect to other cjdns nodes on the same network.
// Options:
// 0 -- Disabled.
// 1 -- Accept beacons, this will cause cjdns to accept incoming
// beacon messages and try connecting to the sender.
// 2 -- Accept and send beacons, this will cause cjdns to broadcast
// messages on the local network which contain a randomly
// generated per-session password, other nodes which have this
// set to 1 or 2 will hear the beacon messages and connect
// automatically.
"beacon": 2,
// Node(s) to connect to manually
// Note: does not work with "all" pseudo-device-name
// Credentials for connecting look similar to UDP credentials
// except they begin with the mac address, for example:
// "01:02:03:04:05:06":{"password":"a","publicKey":"b"}
// Configuration for the router.
// supernodes, if none are specified they'll be taken from your peers
"supernodes": [
// The interface which is used for connecting to the cjdns network.
// The type of interface (only TUNInterface is supported for now)
"type": "TUNInterface"
// The type of tunfd (only "android" for now)
// If "android" here, the tunDevice should be used as the pipe path
// to transfer the tun file description.
// "tunfd" : "android"
// The name of a persistent TUN device to use.
// This for starting cjdroute as its own user.
//"tunDevice": "tun0"
// System for tunneling IPv4 and ICANN IPv6 through cjdns.
// This is using the cjdns switch layer as a VPN carrier.
// Nodes allowed to connect to us.
// When a node with the given public key connects, give them the
// ip4 and/or ip6 addresses listed.
// Give the client an address on, and an address
// it thinks has all of IPv6 behind it.
// ip4Prefix is the set of addresses which are routable from the tun
// for example, if you're advertizing a VPN into a company network
// which exists in space, ip4Prefix should be 24
// default is 32 for ipv4 and 128 for ipv6
// so by default it will not install a route
// ip4Alloc is the block of addresses which are allocated to the
// for example if you want to issue 4 addresses to the client, those
// being to, you would set this to 30
// default is 32 for ipv4 and 128 for ipv6 (1 address)
// {
// "publicKey": "f64hfl7c4uxt6krmhPutTheRealAddressOfANodeHere7kfm5m0.k",
// "ip4Address": "",
// "ip4Prefix": 0,
// "ip4Alloc": 32,
// "ip6Address": "2001:123:ab::10",
// "ip6Prefix": 0
// "ip6Alloc": 64,
// },
// It's ok to only specify one address and prefix/alloc are optional.
// {
// "publicKey": "ydq8csdk8p8ThisIsJustAnExampleAddresstxuyqdf27hvn2z0.k",
// "ip4Address": "",
// "ip4Prefix": 0,
// }
// Connect to one or more machines and ask them for IP addresses.
// "6743gf5tw80ExampleExampleExampleExamplevlyb23zfnuzv0.k",
// "pw9tfmr8pcrExampleExampleExampleExample8rhg1pgwpwf80.k",
// "g91lxyxhq0kExampleExampleExampleExample6t0mknuhw75l0.k"
// Dropping permissions.
// In the event of a serious security exploit in cjdns, leak of confidential
// network traffic and/or keys is highly likely but the following rules are
// designed to prevent the attack from spreading to the system on which cjdns
// is running.
// Counter-intuitively, cjdns is *more* secure if it is started as root because
// non-root users do not have permission to use chroot or change usernames,
// limiting the effectiveness of the mitigations herein.
// Change the user id to sandbox the cjdns process after it starts.
// If keepNetAdmin is set to 0, IPTunnel will be unable to set IP addresses
// and ETHInterface will be unable to hot-add new interfaces
// Use { "setuser": 0 } to disable.
// Default: enabled with keepNetAdmin
{ "setuser": "nobody", "keepNetAdmin": 1 },
// Chroot changes the filesystem root directory which cjdns sees, blocking it
// from accessing files outside of the chroot sandbox, if the user does not
// have permission to use chroot(), this will fail quietly.
// Use { "chroot": 0 } to disable.
// Default: enabled (using "/var/run")
{ "chroot": "/var/run/" },
// Nofiles is a deprecated security feature which prevents cjdns from opening
// any files at all, using this will block setting of IP addresses and
// hot-adding ETHInterface devices but for users who do not need this, it
// provides a formidable sandbox.
// Default: disabled
{ "nofiles": 0 },
// Noforks will prevent cjdns from spawning any new processes or threads,
// this prevents many types of exploits from attacking the wider system.
// Default: enabled
{ "noforks": 1 },
// Seccomp is the most advanced sandboxing feature in cjdns, it uses
// SECCOMP_BPF to filter the system calls which cjdns is able to make on a
// linux system, strictly limiting it's access to the outside world
// This will fail quietly on any non-linux system
// Default: enabled
{ "seccomp": 1 },
// The client sets up the core using a sequence of RPC calls, the responses
// to these calls are verified but in the event that the client crashes
// setup of the core completes, it could leave the core in an insecure state
// This call constitutes the client telling the core that the security rules
// have been fully applied and the core may run. Without it, the core will
// exit within a few seconds with return code 232.
// Default: enabled
{ "setupComplete": 1 }
// Logging
// Uncomment to have cjdns log to stdout rather than making logs available
// via the admin socket.
// "logTo":"stdout"
// If set to non-zero, cjdns will not fork to the background.
// Recommended for use in conjunction with "logTo":"stdout".
// Pipe file will store in this path, recommended value: /tmp (for unix),
// \\.\pipe (for windows)
// /data/local/tmp (for rooted android)
// /data/data/AppName (for non-root android)
// This only needs to be specified if cjdroute's guess is incorrect
// "pipe":"/tmp"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Scripts
This folder contains custom scripts that do useful things.

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
# System status script
# Feel free to copypaste, modify, and share; that's what we did.
# Text colors
echo -e "$BLU"
toilet -f smblock.tlf "Netsyms Business"
toilet -f smblock.tlf "Accelerator"
echo -e "$CLR"
echo -e "---------------------------------------------------$WHT"
echo -e "Engineered by$BLU Netsyms Technologies$CLR"
echo -e ''
echo -e 'Home:'
echo -e 'Support:'
echo -e 'Source:'
echo -e 'Business:'
echo -e '---------------------------------------------------'
echo -e 'The programs included with this system are free'
echo -e 'software; the exact distribution terms for each'
echo -e 'program are described in the individual files in'
echo -e '/usr/share/doc/*/copyright.'
echo -e '---------------------------------------------------'
upSeconds="$(/usr/bin/cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime)"
UPTIME=`printf "%02d days, %02dh %02dm" "$days" "$hours" "$mins"`
freekb=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemFree | awk {'print $2'})
totalkb=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | awk {'print $2'})
percentfree=$(echo "scale=0; $freekb*100/$totalkb" | bc)
echo -e "Date .................................. $WHT$(date +%b\ %e\ %Y)$CLR"
echo -e "Time ..................................... $WHT$(date +%H:%M:%S)$CLR"
echo -e "Uptime ........................... $WHT$UPTIME$CLR"
echo -e "Processes ..................................... $WHT$(ps ax | wc -l | tr -d " ")$CLR"
echo -e "Load averages ....................$WHT$(uptime | awk -F'[a-z]:' '{ print $2}')$CLR"
if (( $percentfree < 30 )); then
echo -e "Memory used .......................... $RED$(($totalmb-$freemb)) MB ($((100-$percentfree))%)$CLR"
echo -e "Memory free .......................... $RED$freemb MB ($percentfree%)$CLR"
echo -e "Memory used .......................... $GRN$(($totalmb-$freemb)) MB ($((100-$percentfree))%)$CLR"
echo -e "Memory free .......................... $GRN$freemb MB ($percentfree%)$CLR"
if (( $cpu > 45 )); then
echo -e "CPU temperature .............................. $cpu"
# Service Status
if [ $(systemctl status cjdns.service | grep 'Active: ' | awk '{ print $2 }') = 'active' ]; then
echo -e "cjdns Service ............................ $ACTIVE"
echo -e "cjdns Service .......................... $INACTIVE"
if [ $(systemctl status nginx.service | grep 'Active: ' | awk '{ print $2 }') = 'active' ]; then
echo -e "nginx Service ............................ $ACTIVE"
echo -e "nginx Service .......................... $INACTIVE"
if [ $(systemctl status php7.0-fpm.service | grep 'Active: ' | awk '{ print $2 }') = 'active' ]; then
echo -e "php-fpm Service .......................... $ACTIVE"
echo -e "php-fpm Service ........................ $INACTIVE"
# IP/Network Info
echo -e "---------------------------------------------------$WHT"
echo -e "Local IP$CLR"
ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ''
echo -e "---------------------------------------------------$WHT"
echo -e "Public IP$CLR"
dig +short
echo -e "---------------------------------------------------$WHT"
echo -e "CJDNS IP$CLR"
sudo grep -m 1 '"ipv6"' /etc/cjdroute.conf | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/[",]//g'
echo -e '---------------------------------------------------'
echo -e "For network bandwidth usage data, run$WHT vnstat$CLR"
echo -e "To refresh this status message, run$WHT status$CLR"
#vnstat -i eth0+tun0+wlan0 --style 0
echo -e '---------------------------------------------------'

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Local Web Content
This folder contains files for the Accelerator's webroot.

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Simple JSON API to allow other apps to access accounts in this system.
* Requests can be sent via either GET or POST requests. POST is recommended
* as it has a lower chance of being logged on the server, exposing unencrypted
* user passwords.
require __DIR__ . '/required.php';
require __DIR__ . '/lib/login.php';
switch ($VARS['action']) {
case "ping":
exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK"]));
case "auth":
$errmsg = "";
if (authenticate_user($VARS['username'], $VARS['password'], $errmsg)) {
exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "msg" => "Login successful."]));
} else {
exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => "Login incorrect."]));
case "hastotp":
if (userHasTOTP($VARS['username'])) {
exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "otp" => true]));
} else {
exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "otp" => false]));
case "verifytotp":
if (verifyTOTP($VARS['username'], $VARS['code'])) {
exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "valid" => true]));
} else {
exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => "Authentication code incorrect.", "valid" => false]));
die(json_encode("404 Not Found: the requested action is not available."));

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Authentication and account functions
use Base32\Base32;
* Checks the given credentials against the database.
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @return boolean True if OK, else false
function authenticate_user($username, $password) {
global $database;
$username = strtolower($username);
if (is_empty($username) || is_empty($password)) {
return false;
$hash = $database->get('accounts', 'password', ['username' => $username]);
return (comparePassword($password, $hash));
function user_exists($username) {
return $database->has('accounts', ['username' => strtolower($username)]);
// 2-factor authentication //
* Check if a user has TOTP setup
* @global $database $database
* @param string $username
* @return boolean true if TOTP secret exists, else false
function userHasTOTP($username) {
global $database;
$username = strtolower($username);
$secret = $database->get('accounts', 'authsecret', ['username' => $username]);
if (is_empty($secret)) {
return false;
return true;
* Verify a TOTP multiauth code
* @global $database
* @param string $username
* @param int $code
* @return boolean true if it's legit, else false
function verifyTOTP($username, $code) {
global $database;
$username = strtolower($username);
$authsecret = $database->get('accounts', 'authsecret', ['username' => $username]);
if (is_empty($authsecret)) {
return false;
$totp = new TOTP(null, $authsecret);
return $totp->verify($code);

@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* This file contains global settings and utility functions.
ob_start(); // allow sending headers after content
// Set default content type to JSON
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff');
header('X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block');
header('X-Powered-By: PHP');
header('X-Frame-Options: "DENY"');
header('Referrer-Policy: "no-referrer, strict-origin-when-cross-origin"');
$SECURE_NONCE = base64_encode(random_bytes(8));
header("Content-Security-Policy: "
. "default-src 'self';"
. "object-src 'none'; "
. "img-src * data:; "
. "media-src 'self'; "
. "frame-src 'none'; "
. "font-src 'self'; "
. "connect-src *; "
. "style-src 'self' 'nonce-$SECURE_NONCE'; "
. "script-src 'self' 'nonce-$SECURE_NONCE'");
// Composer
if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
die("\"Please run 'composer install' first\"");
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Settings file
require __DIR__ . '/settings.php';
function sendError($error) {
die('{"status": "ERROR", "msg": "A fatal application error has occurred: ' . htmlspecialchars($error) . '"}');
// Database settings
// Also inits database and stuff
use Medoo\Medoo;
try {
$database = new Medoo([
'database_type' => 'sqlite',
'database_file' => DB_FILE,
'charset' => DB_CHARSET
} catch (Exception $ex) {
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
sendError("Database error. $ex");
if (!DEBUG) {
} else {
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
define("GET", false);
} else {
$VARS = $_GET;
define("GET", true);
* Checks if a string or whatever is empty.
* @param $str The thingy to check
* @return boolean True if it's empty or whatever.
function is_empty($str) {
return (is_null($str) || !isset($str) || $str == '');
* Securely verify a password and its hash
* @param String $password
* @param String $hash the hash to compare to
* @return boolean True if password OK, else false
function comparePassword($password, $hash) {
return password_verify($password, $hash);
function dieifnotloggedin() {
if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] != true) {
sendError("Session expired. Please log out and log in again.");
* Check if the previous database action had a problem.
* @param array $specials int=>string array with special response messages for SQL errors
function checkDBError($specials = []) {
global $database;
$errors = $database->error();
if (!is_null($errors[1])) {
foreach ($specials as $code => $text) {
if ($errors[1] == $code) {
sendError("A database error occurred:<br /><code>" . $errors[2] . "</code>");
if (!function_exists('base_url')) {
function base_url($atRoot = FALSE, $atCore = FALSE, $parse = FALSE) {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$http = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) !== 'off' ? 'https' : 'http';
$hostname = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$dir = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$core = preg_split('@/@', str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', realpath(dirname(__FILE__))), NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$core = $core[0];
$tmplt = $atRoot ? ($atCore ? "%s://%s/%s/" : "%s://%s/") : ($atCore ? "%s://%s/%s/" : "%s://%s%s");
$end = $atRoot ? ($atCore ? $core : $hostname) : ($atCore ? $core : $dir);
$base_url = sprintf($tmplt, $http, $hostname, $end);
} else
$base_url = 'http://localhost/';
if ($parse) {
$base_url = parse_url($base_url);
if (isset($base_url['path']))
if ($base_url['path'] == '/')
$base_url['path'] = '';
return $base_url;
* Check if a given ipv4 address is in a given cidr
* @param string $ip IP to check in IPV4 format eg.
* @param string $range IP/CIDR netmask eg., also is accepted and /32 assumed
* @return boolean true if the ip is in this range / false if not.
* @author Thorsten Ott <>
function ip4_in_cidr($ip, $cidr) {
if (strpos($cidr, '/') == false) {
$cidr .= '/32';
// $range is in IP/CIDR format eg
list( $cidr, $netmask ) = explode('/', $cidr, 2);
$range_decimal = ip2long($cidr);
$ip_decimal = ip2long($ip);
$wildcard_decimal = pow(2, ( 32 - $netmask)) - 1;
$netmask_decimal = ~ $wildcard_decimal;
return ( ( $ip_decimal & $netmask_decimal ) == ( $range_decimal & $netmask_decimal ) );
* Check if a given ipv6 address is in a given cidr
* @param string $ip IP to check in IPV6 format
* @param string $cidr CIDR netmask
* @return boolean true if the IP is in this range, false otherwise.
* @author MW. <>
function ip6_in_cidr($ip, $cidr) {
$address = inet_pton($ip);
$subnetAddress = inet_pton(explode("/", $cidr)[0]);
$subnetMask = explode("/", $cidr)[1];
$addr = str_repeat("f", $subnetMask / 4);
switch ($subnetMask % 4) {
case 0:
case 1:
$addr .= "8";
case 2:
$addr .= "c";
case 3:
$addr .= "e";
$addr = str_pad($addr, 32, '0');
$addr = pack("H*", $addr);
$binMask = $addr;
return ($address & $binMask) == $subnetAddress;
* Check if the REMOTE_ADDR is on Cloudflare's network.
* @return boolean true if it is, otherwise false
function validateCloudflare() {
// Using IPv6
$cloudflare_ips_v6 = [
$valid = false;
foreach ($cloudflare_ips_v6 as $cidr) {
if (ip6_in_cidr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $cidr)) {
$valid = true;
} else {
// Using IPv4
$cloudflare_ips_v4 = [
$valid = false;
foreach ($cloudflare_ips_v4 as $cidr) {
if (ip4_in_cidr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $cidr)) {
$valid = true;
return $valid;
* Makes a good guess at the client's real IP address.
* @return string Client IP or `` if we can't find anything
function getClientIP() {
// If CloudFlare is in the mix, we should use it.
// Check if the request is actually from CloudFlare before trusting it.
if (validateCloudflare()) {
if (isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) {
return ""; // This will not happen unless we aren't a web server
* Check if the client's IP has been doing too many brute-force-friendly
* requests lately.
* Kills the script with a "friendly" error and response code 429
* (Too Many Requests) if the last access time in the DB is too near.
* Also updates the rate_limit table with the latest data and purges old rows.
* @global type $database
function engageRateLimit() {
global $database;
$delay = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-2 seconds"));
$database->delete('rate_limit', ["lastaction[<]" => $delay]);
if ($database->has('rate_limit', ["AND" => ["ipaddr" => getClientIP()]])) {
// JSONify it so API clients don't scream too loud
die(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => "You're going too fast. Slow down, mkay?"]));
} else {
// Add a record for the IP address
$database->insert('rate_limit', ["ipaddr" => getClientIP(), "lastaction" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]);

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// Whether to show debugging data in output.
define("DEBUG", false);
// Database connection settings
// See for info
define("DB_FILE", "/var/sqlitedb/accounts.db");
define("DB_CHARSET", "utf8");