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use GeoIp2\Database\Reader;
abstract class Weather {
protected $conditions = [];
protected $currently;
protected $low;
protected $high;
protected $lat = 0.0;
protected $lng = 0.0;
protected $locationname = "";
public function __construct($latitude, $longitude) {
$this->lat = $latitude;
$this->lng = $longitude;
* Attempt to find and set the user's location based on the client IP address.
* @global type $SETTINGS
* @return boolean true if successful, false if not
public function setLocationByUserIP() {
global $SETTINGS;
// Make sure we'll have a valid IP when testing on localhost
if ($SETTINGS['debug'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == "") {
// This should geolocate to Helena, Montana, United States
try {
$reader = new Reader($SETTINGS['geoip_db']);
// Get the user's IP address
$clientip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// Check if we're behind CloudFlare and adjust accordingly
$record = $reader->city($clientip);
$country = $record->country->name;
$region = $record->mostSpecificSubdivision->name;
$this->locationname = $record->city->name . ", $region";
$this->lat = $record->location->latitude;
$this->lng = $record->location->longitude;
return true;
} catch (GeoIp2\Exception\AddressNotFoundException $ex) {
return false;
abstract protected function loadForecast();
// Getters
public function getLatitude(): float {
return $this->lat;
public function getLongitude(): float {
return $this->lng;
public function getLocationName(): string {
return $this->locationname;
public function getForecast(): array {
return $this->conditions;
public function getCurrently(): Conditions {
return $this->currently;
public function getLow() {
return $this->low;
public function getHigh() {
return $this->high;
// Setters
public function setLocationName(string $name) {
$this->locationname = $name;
public function setForecast(array $conditions) {
$this->conditions = $conditions;
public function setCurrently(Conditions $weather) {
$this->currently = $weather;
public function setLow(Conditions $weather) {
$this->low = $weather;
public function setHigh(Conditions $weather) {
$this->high = $weather;
* Convert a temperature in Celsuis to the given unit ("F" or "K").
* @param float $temperature
* @param string $to
* @return float
public static function convertDegCToUnits(float $temperature, string $to): float {
switch (strtoupper($to)) {
case "K":
return $temperature + 273.15;
case "F":
return ($temperature * (9.0 / 5.0)) + 32.0;
return $temperature;