You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

67 lines
2.3 KiB

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class NewsSource_NewsAPI extends NewsSource {
private $items = [];
function getItems(): array {
return $this->items;
function loadItems() {
$this->loadHeadlines((new NewsCategory(NewsCategory::BUSINESS)));
$this->loadHeadlines((new NewsCategory(NewsCategory::ENTERTAINMENT)));
$this->loadHeadlines((new NewsCategory(NewsCategory::GENERAL)));
$this->loadHeadlines((new NewsCategory(NewsCategory::HEALTH)));
$this->loadHeadlines((new NewsCategory(NewsCategory::SCIENCE)));
$this->loadHeadlines((new NewsCategory(NewsCategory::SPORTS)));
$this->loadHeadlines((new NewsCategory(NewsCategory::TECHNOLOGY)));
private function loadHeadlines($category = null, string $country = "us", $apikey = null) {
global $SETTINGS;
if (is_null($category)) {
$category = new NewsCategory(NewsCategory::GENERAL);
if (is_null($apikey)) {
$apikey = $SETTINGS['apikeys'][''];
$url = "";
$params = [];
if (!empty($country)) {
$params['country'] = $country;
if (!empty($category->toString())) {
$params['category'] = $category->toString();
$items = [];
$json = ApiFetcher::get($url, $params, ["apiKey" => $apikey], "+1 hour");
$data = json_decode($json, TRUE);
if ($data['status'] != "ok") {
return [];
$articles = $data['articles'];
foreach ($articles as $n) {
$title = $n['title'];
$image = $n['urlToImage'];
if (is_null($image)) {
$image = $SETTINGS["url"] . "/static/img/news-placeholder.svg";
$url = $n['url'];
$source = $n['source']['name'];
$timestamp = strtotime($n['publishedAt']);
$items[] = new NewsItem($title, $image, $url, $source, "", $timestamp, $category);
$this->items = array_merge($this->items, $items);