$uid]); if ($resp['status'] == "OK" && $resp['exists'] === true) { $this->exists = true; } else { $this->uid = $uid; $this->username = $username; $this->exists = false; } if ($this->exists) { // Get user info $resp = AccountHubApi::get("userinfo", ["uid" => $uid]); if ($resp['status'] == "OK") { $this->uid = $resp['data']['uid'] * 1; $this->username = $resp['data']['username']; $this->email = $resp['data']['email']; $this->realname = $resp['data']['name']; } else { sendError("Login server error: " . $resp['msg']); } } } public static function byUsername(string $username): User { $resp = AccountHubApi::get("userinfo", ["username" => $username]); if (!isset($resp['status'])) { sendError("Login server error: " . $resp); } if ($resp['status'] == "OK") { return new self($resp['data']['uid'] * 1); } else { return new self(-1, $username); } } public function exists(): bool { return $this->exists; } public function has2fa(): bool { if (!$this->exists) { return false; } $resp = AccountHubApi::get("hastotp", ['username' => $this->username]); if ($resp['status'] == "OK") { return $resp['otp'] == true; } else { return false; } } function getUsername() { return $this->username; } function getUID() { return $this->uid; } function getEmail() { return $this->email; } function getName() { return $this->realname; } /** * Check the given plaintext password against the stored hash. * @param string $password * @return bool */ function checkPassword(string $password): bool { $resp = AccountHubApi::get("auth", ['username' => $this->username, 'password' => $password]); if ($resp['status'] == "OK") { return true; } else { return false; } } function check2fa(string $code): bool { if (!$this->has2fa) { return true; } $resp = AccountHubApi::get("verifytotp", ['username' => $this->username, 'code' => $code]); if ($resp['status'] == "OK") { return $resp['valid']; } else { return false; } } /** * Check if the given username has the given permission (or admin access) * @global $database $database * @param string $code * @return boolean TRUE if the user has the permission (or admin access), else FALSE */ function hasPermission(string $code): bool { $resp = AccountHubApi::get("permission", ['username' => $this->username, 'code' => $code]); if ($resp['status'] == "OK") { return $resp['has_permission']; } else { return false; } } /** * Get the account status. * @return \AccountStatus */ function getStatus(): AccountStatus { $resp = AccountHubApi::get("acctstatus", ['username' => $this->username]); if ($resp['status'] == "OK") { return AccountStatus::fromString($resp['account']); } else { return null; } } function sendAlertEmail(string $appname = null) { global $SETTINGS; if (is_null($appname)) { $appname = $SETTINGS['site_title']; } $resp = AccountHubApi::get("alertemail", ['username' => $this->username, 'appname' => $SETTINGS['site_title']]); if ($resp['status'] == "OK") { return true; } else { return $resp['msg']; } } } class AccountStatus { const NORMAL = 1; const LOCKED_OR_DISABLED = 2; const CHANGE_PASSWORD = 3; const TERMINATED = 4; const ALERT_ON_ACCESS = 5; private $status; public function __construct(int $status) { $this->status = $status; } public static function fromString(string $status): AccountStatus { switch ($status) { case "NORMAL": return new self(self::NORMAL); case "LOCKED_OR_DISABLED": return new self(self::LOCKED_OR_DISABLED); case "CHANGE_PASSWORD": return new self(self::CHANGE_PASSWORD); case "TERMINATED": return new self(self::TERMINATED); case "ALERT_ON_ACCESS": return new self(self::ALERT_ON_ACCESS); default: return new self(0); } } /** * Get the account status/state as an integer. * @return int */ public function get(): int { return $this->status; } /** * Get the account status/state as a string representation. * @return string */ public function getString(): string { switch ($this->status) { case self::NORMAL: return "NORMAL"; case self::LOCKED_OR_DISABLED: return "LOCKED_OR_DISABLED"; case self::CHANGE_PASSWORD: return "CHANGE_PASSWORD"; case self::TERMINATED: return "TERMINATED"; case self::ALERT_ON_ACCESS: return "ALERT_ON_ACCESS"; default: return "OTHER_" . $this->status; } } }