time, SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, $this->lat, $this->lng); $sunset = date_sunset($this->time, SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, $this->lat, $this->lng); $this->daytime = ($this->time >= $sunrise && $this->time < $sunset); return $this->daytime; } /** * Check if it's day or night, based on location and time. * @return bool true if daytime. */ public function isDay(): bool { return $this->setDayorNight(); } /** * Check if it's windy (6 or higher on the Beaufort scale). * * A 6 is described as large branches in motion, whistling heard in power * lines, and umbrellas used with difficulty. * * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaufort_scale * * @return bool true if it's windy. */ public function isWindy(): bool { return ($this->windSpeed >= 39); } /** * Check if it's cloudy out (greater than 50% cloud cover). * @return bool */ public function isCloudy(): bool { return ($this->cloudCover > 0.5); } /** * Check if it's overcast(greater than 80% cloud cover). * @return bool */ public function isOvercast(): bool { return ($this->cloudCover > 0.8); } /** * Check if it's really hot out (> 32C/90F) * @return bool true if it's hotter than my mixtape outside */ public function isHot(): bool { return ($this->temperature > 32); } /** * Check if it's really cold out (< -6C/20F) * @return bool true if it's cold af */ public function isCold(): bool { return ($this->temperature < -6); } /** * Get a suitable icon to show for the weather conditions. * * https://erikflowers.github.io/weather-icons/ * * @return string */ public function getIcon(): string { $downfall = ""; if ($this->precipProbability > 0.5) { switch ($this->precipType) { case PrecipType::RAIN: $downfall = "rain"; break; case PrecipType::SNOW: $downfall = "snow"; break; case PrecipType::SLEET: $downfall = "sleet"; break; case PrecipType::HAIL: $downfall = "hail"; break; } } // Handle precipitation icons for day/night, windy/not, and overcast if ($downfall != "") { $wind = $this->isWindy() ? "-wind" : ""; if ($this->isOvercast()) { return "wi-$downfall$wind"; } else { $daynight = $this->isDay() ? "day" : "night-alt"; return "wi-$daynight-$downfall$wind"; } } if ($this->isOvercast()) { return "wi-cloudy"; } if ($this->isCloudy()) { return $this->isDay() ? "wi-day-cloudy" : "wi-night-alt-cloudy"; } if ($this->isCold()) { return "wi-snowflake-cold"; } if ($this->isDay()) { if ($this->isHot()) { return "wi-hot"; } return "wi-day-sunny"; } // Pick one for variety return ["wi-night-clear", "wi-night-clear", "wi-stars"][random_int(0, 2)]; } } class PrecipType { const NONE = 1; const RAIN = 2; const SNOW = 4; const SLEET = 8; const HAIL = 16; }