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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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class Weather_DarkSky extends Weather {
public function loadForecast() {
global $SETTINGS;
$apikey = $SETTINGS['apikeys'][''];
$url = "$apikey/" . $this->lat . ',' . $this->lng;
$json = ApiFetcher::get($url, ["exclude" => "minutely,hourly", "units" => "ca", "lang" => $SETTINGS['language']]);
$resp = json_decode($json);
$currently = new Conditions();
$currently->lat = $this->lat;
$currently->lng = $this->lng;
$currently->time = $resp->currently->time;
$currently->summary = $resp->currently->summary;
$currently->temperature = $resp->currently->temperature;
$currently->tempFeels = $resp->currently->apparentTemperature;
$currently->precipProbability = $resp->currently->precipProbability;
$currently->ozone = $resp->currently->ozone;
$currently->dewpoint = $resp->currently->dewPoint;
$currently->cloudCover = $resp->currently->cloudCover;
$currently->humidity = $resp->currently->humidity;
$currently->visibility = $resp->currently->visibility;
$currently->uvindex = $resp->currently->uvIndex;
$currently->windSpeed = $resp->currently->windSpeed;
$currently->windGust = $resp->currently->windGust;
$currently->windBearing = $resp->currently->windBearing;