#!/usr/bin/env python3 import math import tempfile import i18n import validators import requests import api from config import * from termcolors import * from getpass import getpass editor = "/usr/bin/editor" notes = {} def firstsetup(url="", username=""): # Get URL while True: if url != "": url = input(i18n.t("Server URL") + " (" + url + "): ") or url else: url = input(i18n.t("Server URL") + ": ") if validators.url(url): break else: print(i18n.t("That doesn't look right, try again.")) # Get username while True: if username != "": username = input(i18n.t("Username") + " (" + username + "): ") or username else: username = input(i18n.t("Username") + ": ") if username != "": break # Get password while True: password = getpass(i18n.t("Password") + ": ") if password != "": break try: r = requests.post(url + "/api/ping", auth=(username, password)) except: print(i18n.t("Could not connect to the server. Try again.")) firstsetup() return if r.status_code == 401: print(i18n.t("Login incorrect, try again.")) firstsetup(url) return try: resp = r.json() if resp["status"] == "ERROR": print(resp["msg"]) firstsetup(url, username) return config["url"] = url config["username"] = username config["password"] = password saveconfig() return except ValueError: print(i18n.t("Login incorrect, try again.")) firstsetup(url, username) return def loadnotes(): global notes notes = api.do("getnotes")["notes"] def savenote(note): api.do("savenote", { "id": note["noteid"], "text": note["content"] }) def editnote(note): global editor content = note["content"] f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') f.write(content) f.flush() command = editor + " " + f.name status = os.system(command) f.seek(0, 0) text = f.read() f.close() assert not os.path.exists(f.name) note["content"] = text clearscreen() print(i18n.t("Saving...")) savenote(note) print(i18n.t("Note saved!")) def editmenu(): global notes clearscreen() loadnotes() i = 1 notelist = {} for note in notes: notelist[str(i)] = note print(chr(27) + "[0m", end='') print("\n\nNote #" + str(i) + ":") setbghexcolor(note["color"]) setfgbybghex(note["color"]) linecount = 0 for line in note["content"].splitlines(): if linecount > 5: print("\n(" + str(len(note["content"].splitlines())) + " more lines" + ")", end='') break print("\n " + line[0:70].ljust(70), end='') if len(line) > 70: print("...", end='') linecount += 1 i += 1 resetcolor() print("\n======================") noteid = input(i18n.t("Note to edit (M for main menu): ")) if noteid.upper() == "M": clearscreen() return editnote(notelist[noteid]) def newnote(): global editor print() f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') f.write("") f.flush() command = editor + " " + f.name status = os.system(command) f.seek(0, 0) text = f.read() f.close() assert not os.path.exists(f.name) if text == "": clearscreen() print(i18n.t("Nothing to do.")) return print(i18n.t("Saving...")) api.do("savenote", { "text": text }) print(i18n.t("Note created!")) def mainmenu(): print("\n======================") print(i18n.t("Main Menu")) print("======================") print("E. " + i18n.t("View and edit notes")) print("C. " + i18n.t("Create a new note")) print("Q. " + i18n.t("Exit")) option = input(i18n.t("Choose an option: ")).upper() clearscreen() if option == "E": editmenu() elif option == "C": newnote() elif option == "Q": exit(0) else: print(i18n.t("Unrecognized selection, try again.")) def main(): print("NotePostCLI v1.0") if not checkconfig(): print(i18n.t("No valid settings file found, running setup wizard.")) firstsetup() else: loadconfig() while True: mainmenu() if __name__ == "__main__": main()