Cross-platform HTML5 NotePost client, for use with NW.js on the desktop and Cordova on mobile.
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
Skylar Ittner da5978e390 Add support for Android back button 5 年前
nbproject Barebones app with basic note viewing support 5 年前
res/android Barebones app with basic note viewing support 5 年前
www Add support for Android back button 5 年前
.gitignore Remove extra file 5 年前
.npmignore Barebones app with basic note viewing support 5 年前
config.xml Make editor work, add support for syncing to NotePost, use ES6 classes for notes 5 年前
index.js Add index.js for NW.js app 5 年前
logo.png Barebones app with basic note viewing support 5 年前
package.json Barebones app with basic note viewing support 5 年前
yarn.lock Barebones app with basic note viewing support 5 年前 Barebones app with basic note viewing support 5 年前