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# This script removes some stuff in `www/node_modules` that the app doesn't need to run.
echo "Removing bloat in node_modules..."
set -e
cd $DIR
rm -rf array-parallel
rm -rf codemirror
rm -rf codemirror-spell-checker
rm -rf dom7
rm -rf matches-selector
rm -rf path-to-regexp
rm -rf ssr-window
rm -rf template7
rm -rf throttleit
rm -rf tiny-emitter
rm -rf typo-js
rm -rf .bin
cd $DIR
cd @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
rm -rf {js,less,metadata,scss,sprites,svgs}
find css -type f -not -name 'all.min.css' -delete
cd $DIR
cd jquery
rm -rf src
rm -rf external
cd $DIR
cd framework7
rm -rf components
rm -rf lazy-components
rm -rf less
rm -rf modules
rm -rf utils
rm -f framework7.*
rm -f framework7-lite.*
find css -type f -not -name 'framework7.bundle.min.css' -delete
find js -type f -not -name 'framework7.bundle.min.js' -delete
cd $DIR
cd jquery
rm -rf src
rm -rf external
find dist -type f -not -name 'jquery.min.js' -delete
cd $DIR
cd material-design-icons
# Remove everything except the icon font and license, but also exclude the
# current and parent folder (. , ..) so rm won't complain about refusing
# to delete the whole filesystem
find . -maxdepth 1 -not -name '.' -not -name 'LICENSE' -not -name 'iconfont' -exec rm -rf {} \;
cd $DIR
cd marked
rm -rf {bin,lib,man,src}
cd $DIR
cd shufflejs
rm -rf src
find dist -type f -not -name 'shuffle.min.js' -delete
cd $DIR
echo "Cleanup finished"