/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class Note { constructor(content, color, noteid) { if (typeof content != 'string') { content = ""; } if (typeof color != 'string') { color = "FFF59D"; } if (typeof noteid != 'number') { noteid = null; } this.noteid = noteid; this.color = color; this.content = content; this.title = ""; this.modified = null; this.favorite = false; this.status = "NONE"; } static loadNote(noteid) { var notes = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("notes")); if (notes == null) { console.log("localStorage.notes is null"); return null; } for (var n in notes) { if (notes[n].noteid == noteid) { var note = new Note(notes[n].content, notes[n].color, notes[n].noteid); note.setModified(notes[n].modified); note.setFavorite(notes[n].favorite == true); note.setSyncStatus(notes[n].syncstatus); note.setTitle(); return note; } } return null; } saveNote() { var noteid = this.getID(); console.log("Saving note: ", this); var syncstatus = this.getSyncStatus(); if (noteid == null) { noteid = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9999999999 - 1000000000) + 1000000000); syncstatus = "LOCAL_ONLY"; } var jsonobj = { noteid: noteid, color: this.getColor(), content: this.getText(), modified: this.getModified(), favorite: this.getFavorite(), syncstatus: syncstatus }; var notes = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("notes")); if (notes == null) { console.log("localStorage.notes is null, using empty array"); notes = []; } for (var n in notes) { if (notes[n].noteid == noteid) { if (notes[n].syncstatus == "LOCAL_DELETED") { // If this note was previously saved as deleted, don't save again return; } notes[n] = jsonobj; console.log(notes); localStorage.setItem("notes", JSON.stringify(notes)); return; } } notes.push(jsonobj); console.log(notes); localStorage.setItem("notes", JSON.stringify(notes)); } /** * Save the note to NotePost. */ saveToNotePost(success, error, add) { var self = this; var data = { text: this.getText(), color: this.getColor(), modified: this.getModified(), favorite: this.getFavorite() ? "1" : "0", }; if (typeof add != 'boolean' || add != true) { data.id = this.getID(); } console.log("uploading: ", data); return APICLIENT.post("savenote", data, function (val) { if (val.status == "OK") { self.noteid = val.note.noteid; self.setText(val.note.content); self.setColor(val.note.color); self.setModified(val.note.modified); self.setFavorite(val.note.favorite); self.setSyncStatus("SYNCED"); if (typeof success == 'function') { success(self); } } else { if (typeof error == 'function') { error(val.msg); } } }, function () { if (typeof error == 'function') { error(); } }); } /** * Delete this note on the server. */ deleteOnNotePost(success, error) { var self = this; return APICLIENT.post("deletenote", {id: this.getID()}, function (val) { if (val.status == "OK") { if (typeof success == 'function') { success(self); } } else { if (typeof error == 'function') { error(val.msg); } } }, function () { if (typeof error == 'function') { error(); } }); } deleteme() { this.setSyncStatus("LOCAL_DELETED"); this.saveNote(); } getSyncStatus() { return this.status; } getID() { return this.noteid; } getText() { return this.content; } getHTML() { return marked(this.content); } getColor() { this.setColor(this.color); return this.color; } getTitle() { this.setTitle(this.title); return this.title; } getModified() { return this.modified; } getFavorite() { return this.favorite == true; } getTextColor() { var color = this.getColor(); var r = parseInt(color.substring(0, 2), 16); var g = parseInt(color.substring(2, 4), 16); var b = parseInt(color.substring(4, 6), 16); var contrast = Math.sqrt(r * r * 0.241 + g * g * 0.691 + b * b * 0.068); if (contrast > 130) { return "000000"; } else { return "FFFFFF"; } } setSyncStatus(status) { this.status = status; } setText(markdown) { this.content = markdown; } setColor(color) { if (typeof color !== 'string') { color = "FFF59D"; } this.color = color; } setTitle(title) { if (typeof title != 'string' || title.trim() == "") { if (typeof this.content != 'string' || this.content.trim() == "") { title = "New note"; } else { title = this.content.split('\n')[0]; title = title.replace(/[\*#_`]+/, ""); title = title.replace(/^- \[[x ]\] /i, ""); } } this.title = title.trim(); } setModified(timestamp) { if (typeof timestamp == 'undefined' || timestamp == null) { this.setModified(Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000)); } else { this.modified = timestamp; } } setFavorite(favorite) { this.favorite = favorite == true; } toChecklist() { var text = this.getText().split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { if (text[i].match(/^[^\s\=\#\-<](.+)/)) { // if (text.length > i && text[i + 1].match(/^[\=-](.+)/)) { // // Don't do it if the next line makes this one a heading // continue; // } text[i] = "- [ ] " + text[i]; } } this.setText(text.join("\n")); } fromChecklist() { var text = this.getText(); this.setText(text.replace(/^- \[[ x]\] /im, "")); } toggleChecklistItem(item) { item = item.trim(); var text = this.getText().split("\n"); var finalCheckState = false; for (var i in text) { var li = text[i].trim(); if (!li.match(/^- \[[x ]\] .*/i)) { continue; } var linecleaned = li.replace(/^- \[[x ]\] /i, '').trim(); if (item != linecleaned) { continue; } if (li.match(/^- \[[x]\] .*/i)) { text[i] = li.replace(/^- \[[x]\] /i, "- [ ] "); finalCheckState = false; } else if (li.match(/^- \[[ ]\] .*/i)) { text[i] = li.replace(/^- \[[ ]\] /i, "- [x] "); finalCheckState = true; } } this.setText(text.join("\n")); return finalCheckState; } /** * Returns true if the notes appear to be the same to the user. * Does not check "hidden" attributes such as modified time. * @param {Note} othernote * @returns {boolean} */ compareTo(othernote) { if (this.getText() != othernote.getText()) { return false; } if (this.getFavorite() != othernote.getFavorite()) { return false; } if (this.getColor() != othernote.getColor()) { return false; } return true; } }