#!/bin/sh # This script removes some stuff in `www/node_modules` that the app doesn't need to run. # It removes about 6MB from the build size. cd www/node_modules rm -rf array-parallel rm -rf codemirror rm -rf codemirror-spell-checker rm -rf dom7 rm -rf matches-selector rm -rf path-to-regexp rm -rf ssr-window rm -rf template7 rm -rf throttleit rm -rf tiny-emitter rm -rf typo-js cd @fortawesome/fontawesome-free rm -rf js rm -rf less rm -rf scss rm -rf sprites rm -rf svgs cd ../.. cd jquery rm -rf src rm -rf external cd .. cd framework7 rm -rf components rm -rf less rm -rf modules rm -rf utils cd css rm framework7.bundle.css framework7.bundle.rtl.css framework7.css framework7.rtl.css cd ../js rm framework7-lite* framework7.bundle.d.ts framework7.bundle.js framework7.d.ts framework7.js framework7.min.js framework7.min.js.map cd .. rm framework7* echo "Cleanup finished"