/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var force_card_refresh = false; $(".view-main").on("ptr:refresh", ".ptr-content", function () { loadCards(function () { app.ptr.done(); }); }); $(".view-main").on("input change", "#searchbar-input", function () { window.shuffleInstance.filter(function (element) { var searchtext = $("#searchbar-input").val().toLowerCase(); var notetext = $(".card-content", $(element)).text().toLowerCase(); return (notetext.indexOf(searchtext) !== -1); }); }); $(".view-main").on("click", ".parsedown-task-list", function (e) { var noteid = $(this).closest(".notecard").data("id"); var note = NOTES.get(noteid); var checkbox = $(this).find("input[type=checkbox]"); var line = $(this); var text = line.text().trim(); // The checkbox has already changed by itself if it was clicked directly var checked = checkbox.prop("checked"); if (e.target.nodeName != "INPUT") { checked = !checked; } var checkedState = note.toggleChecklistItem(text); note.setModified(); NOTES.set(note); NOTES.syncAll(); if (checkedState) { line.addClass("parsedown-task-list-close"); line.removeClass("parsedown-task-list-open"); checkbox.prop("checked", true); } else { line.addClass("parsedown-task-list-open"); line.removeClass("parsedown-task-list-close"); checkbox.prop("checked", false); } }); function loadNotesToCards(notes, oldnotes, callback) { var reloadCards = true; if (force_card_refresh != true && notes.length == oldnotes.length) { var allSame = true; var allPresent = true; for (var n in notes) { if (!notes[n].compareTo(oldnotes[n])) { allSame = false; } if (document.getElementById('notecard-col-' + notes[n].getID()) === null) { allPresent = false; } } if (allSame && allPresent) { reloadCards = false; } } force_card_refresh = false; if (reloadCards) { for (i in window.shuffleInstance.items) { window.shuffleInstance.remove(window.shuffleInstance.items[i]); } $(".notecard-col").remove(); } var trayitems = []; for (n in notes) { var note = notes[n]; // Ignore notes that we deleted but haven't synced yet if (note.getSyncStatus() == "LOCAL_DELETED") { continue; } if (reloadCards) { $("#notecards-bin").append('
' + '
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' + note.getHTML() + '
' + '
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' + '
' + '
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' + '
' + '
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